Governance stucture
Verve Group SE submits itself to strict Corporate Governance Principles, out of its conviction, that it is the prerequisite for building a successful and sustainable business.

Governance codex
Verve Group SE is a societas Europaea incorporated under the laws of Sweden. The Company is registered with the Swdish Business Registration Office, with company registration number 517100-0143 and with its registered office at Stureplan 6, 114 35 Stockholm. The Company’s LEI is 391200UIIWMXRLGARB95. The shares of Verve are listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market in Stockholm, Sweden, and in the Scale Segment of Deutsche Börse (ISIN: SE0018538068). The Company has two secured Nordic bonds outstanding on the Regulated Market at Nasdaq Stockholm and the Open Market in Frankfurt (ISIN: SE0015194527 and SE0018042277).
The Company’s board of directors is responsible for managing the Company’s business. Corporate governance in the Company is based on Swedish law, the Company’s Articles of Association, the rules and regulations of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Scale segment) and Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market’s Rule Book and Nasdaq Stockholms Rule Book for Bonds as well as internal rules and instructions. The Company applies the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”). Companies do not have to comply with all of the rules in the Code, instead these Companies have the possibility of choosing alternative solutions that they consider better suited to their particular circumstances, provided that any deviations are presented, that the alternative solution is described and that the reasons are explained in the corporate governance report (the “comply or explain principle”). Any deviations from the Code will be published and updated on the Company’s website.