Diversity and Fair Play in our Products and Services

MGI is committed to create products and services that are inclusive and inspiring for all stakeholders and that are accessible to everyone in our core markets. In this context, MGI has implemented policies and takes initiatives throughout the whole Group to offer interesting and diverse products and services for everyone, while the company has also undertaken preventive measures against insults, sexual harassment, racist or hateful language, threats or bullying whether that be in the games or in the advertisements. MGI is also proactive in protection minoirs and preventing and sanctioning misconduct.


  • Broad portfolio of games across different devices and in different genres such as casual games, role-playing and strategy games in multiple languages
  • Games with clear focus on team- and group play and healthy and engaged player communities
  • Clear statement against insults, sexual harassment, racist or hateful language, threats or bullying as well as preventive measures and sanctions against misconduct
  • In-game communities and Code of Conducts for all games for a secure and healthy environment
  • Intensive community management with trained community managers who ensure compliance with rules of conduct and serve as contact persons for players who experience any problems.
  • Responsible Gaming Policy


  • Clear statement against insults, sexual harassment, racist or hateful language, threats or bullying as well as preventive measures and sanctions against misconduct
  • Strict content guidelines for advertising partners and ban of prohibited content
  • Privacy-first ecosystem for consumers, advertisers and publishers
  • Strong focus on data privacy, brand safety and transparency of our services
  • Collaboration with different industry partners to create a more transparent advertising ecosystem and fight fraudulent advertising

Want to know more?

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our products and services, please contact us